Week 23 Dia De Accion De Gracias!

hi fam, alright here we go. this week was super good! we found 5 new people to teach which is definitely a personal record! but first the food. so on thanksgiving day we recieved a cal from the zone leaders saying that on friday all the gringos would be cooking a thanksgiving feast for lunch (cause the big meal they eat is lunch here if you forgot). so that day we made tons of improvised stuff cause you can´t just go to the store and buy stuffing or gravy or a turkey. which im sure sounds really milenial of me but hey none of knew how to cook thanksgiving things! but it turned out good and it was super fun! so heres an experience that i had when i was contacting with elder Ross in my area this week. So we had already contacted about 15 people and none of them were receptive if not aggressivly against hearing our message. so i was pretty tired of contacting so i threw my arms up and yelled at the sky, are we not doing our part?? where are the prepared people? so the next house we knocked on this lady answered the door and before we could even talk she said oh elders would you like to come in? so this lady is super cool, her name is Ayalen (pronounced ashlyn here) and here granparents were members in trelew (another city in the mission) and when we brought out a book of mormon she was like.. wait a minute… and ran into the back of here house and pulled out a signed triple that here grandma had given her. the whole experience was really humbling! but thats what we´re up to! I love and miss all of you!

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